As I dive into the world of piecing together model kits, e.g. MEGAMI DEVICE, FRAME ARMS GIRL, ZOIDS, etc, sometimes, these kits contain many many runners. So many in fact, that most of my build time has been just to search for the ones to cut out from.
I know many of you are able to cut everything out (for painting or whatnot), but I have to do it one piece at a time, according to the manual. Otherwise everything just gets lost, or becomes a huge mess.
Well enter the RUNNER HOLDER *TADA*

I found these while watching some build video on YouTube, and realize to myself how fantastic these would be in organizing my runners!!
I also went on to label them slots from A to Z, using multiple holders, and it has been much easier organizing my runners. The only problem I have with this particular holders are the slots are too shallow for some of the larger runners.
But all-in-all, it’s a definite improvement.
Thanks for reading!
See you in the next post!