Megami Device Chaos & Pretty WITCH メガミデバイス カオス&プリティ ウィッチ – STOP MOTION

This is my first Megami Device model kit that I built. It was a fun job, especially with all the different accessories that are available for her.

Here is the box art for this model kit. Not sure if it is visible here, but there is a slight glossy finish on certain parts of the box art, which makes it really stand out. Applause to Kotobukiya for their effort on their box art!!

Here it shows the 3 different expressions that are included in the model kit.

The many runners that were included in the kit. I made sure to cut out the extra bits to keep them for kit bashing purposes later. Forgot to count how many runners there were in total.

These are the extra hair pieces which were provided. I personally preferred the light blue version, so I went with that instead.

The many extra hands (bare, and gloved) that are included.

The completed model kit, guns ablazing, the MEGAMI DEVICE CHAOS & PRETTY WITCH!! There is also a DARKNESS version which I will be getting soon. Hopefully I will have time to build all of these soon.

Here’s a little stop motion unboxing clip I made for this. More of them are in the YouTube video.
Thanks for reading.
Stay tuned for the next post!