Hi there! It’s me again, with another once in 2 years blog post. Truthfully I have not been paying much attention to this site, as I have mostly been focused on pushing out more YT videos. However I will try to update this site a bit more
Anyway, back to our main topic, the rebooted reboot! Or Bakugan Generation 3, as the community is calling it. So far not too much is known about this new set of Bakugan, even the new logo (featured above) does not contain a set name (e.g. Armored Alliance, Battle Planet, etc)

From the Amazon listing of Special Attack Mantid (BakuTin), we know that it will be releasing approximately around the starting of JULY 2023. Hopefully more information will come out before then
Why is it Generation 3?
Because the entire mechanics of the game has changed.
- There are now Core Bakugan that split into 2 or 3 parts. Reminiscent of the older Mutant bakugan from Mechtanium Surge, as well as the BakuTech bind Bakugan, the new Bakugan can split into 2 oe 3 parts (the 3rd part being a middle ring portion for the Special Attack Bakugan)
- There is no sign of the normal faction attributes (i.e. Pyrus, Aquos, Ventus, Darkus, Haos, Aurelus). Instead what we are seeing are images of symbols which look like Dinosaur, Dragon, Insect and a couple more unknown signs. There are currently a total of 7 that have been leaked. Not too much is known about them yet
- Gate Cards have changed to “Terrain(?) cards?”. The usual Gate Cards from yesteryear (Battle Planet to Legends) seem to have been replaced by what seems to be Terrain cards. There are no visible numbers or stats on the cards. Though it seems to contain a number of the new stat symbols (which brings me to the next point)
- New Stats. The B power and Damage that we’ve all been used to for the past 4.5 years are now seemingly gone. Replaced by what appears to Heart (HP?), Punch (Attack?), and Shoe (Speed?). Once again, how these work remains a mystery. Would it be a Rock Paper Scissors game? Or will they be combined in some form to become a larger stat before brawling?
- Packaging. Gone are the days of the large packaging with see-through plastic. The new packaging seem to be very beybladish with regard that the Bakugan are stored entirely in a cardboard box. It would be entirely possible to buy a mispacked Bakugan, and not know it until going home and opening the box. Hopefully, SpinMaster will revamp it to at least have a small window into the cardbox box
- Spinning Bakugan. Yes, you heard me right! Bakugan can spin now. Not the unoffical spinning you do on BakuTech like Munikis, no no no. The spin is built into the Bakugan, and comes with a purpose-built ripcord. I wonder how it will stand up against a Beyblade if they were pitted against each other.

Well that’s all I have to say at the moment.
I’ll try to update more often, thanks for reading till this far. Do check out my instagram page and Youtube channel for more updates.
Till next time, bye…