Modified BakuCore data storage structure: Previously the stat modifiers were tied directly to the BakuCore record in separate fields, which is not ideal. It has been changed to a separate object type which can storage any type of modifier. This has many advantages, including search. I’ll also be able to use the same modifiers to link the TCG cards if I ever add them in the future. Now the main list also looks cleaner.

Searching Stats Modifiers: Now it’s able to search via stats, so example, you want to find all BakuCores that have +200B modifier, you are able to select from the dropbox box (see image below)

Icon Changes: Went to clean up the images of the BakuCore icons so it looks cleaner.

So today’s update is mainly on the BakuCore page items.
Next thing I am aiming to update is to improve the performance of the series listings.

The number of Bakugan on some of the series is very huge, especially for New Vestroia, which currently has 700+ Bakugan. The issue is whenever the series page is loaded, all of the images and info is pulled and displayed, which is very slow and non-performant.
Hopefully I’ll have a solution on the next update.
Also waiting for Jul 15, 2024 on my G3 Amazon Listings status!!! (just to note)
Ok, see you around then.