G1_S2_MAXUS Treatment Name: Maxus Bakugan in Attribute: New Vestroia [Cyborg Helios] [Fencer] [Foxbat] [Klawgor] [Leefram] [Scraper] [Spindle] Cyborg Helios Pyrus Cyborg Helios [Maxus] [back to top] Fencer Pyrus Fencer [Maxus] [back to top] Foxbat Darkus Foxbat [Maxus] [back to top] Klawgor Ventus Klawgor [Maxus] [back to top] Leefram Aquos Leefram [Maxus] [back to top] Scraper Subterra Scraper [Maxus] [back to top] Spindle Haos Spindle [Maxus] [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G1_S1_BAKUSWAPNext: G1_S2_BAKUBRONZE