
24 August 2024 - Li...
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24 August 2024 - Linked eBaySoldListings to Bakugan

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Added the following changes today:

  1. For eBaySoldListings single record page, changed the layout for better readability
  2. The eBaySoldListings page will now show related Bakugan for that listing (I'm manually adding the bakugan to the listing as it is very difficult to detect what bakugan is in the listing, have to be manual process for now, until I can figure out a better way to do this)
  3. Due to this, I am now able to show all related listings at the bottom
  4. Also modified the Bakugan single record page to show all related ebay sold listings. Currently I am using the sorted by extract ID method to display, which is quite intensive on the client browser (question to self: should I just it back to normal display without the sorting?)

 That's it for today, I'll be slowly adding the Bakugan to the ebaysoldlistings, 10k records to go through, haha...


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