90903JF Factory: Manufacturer Code: 90903JF Date: September 3, 2009 Bakugan in Attribute: New Vestroia [Abis Omega] [Hyper Dragonoid] [Moskeeto] [Thunder Wilda] [Verias] [Wilda] Abis Omega Aquos Abis Omega [BakuFlip] [Gold] [back to top] Hyper Dragonoid (No Attribute) Hyper Dragonoid [Clear] [Brown Horns] [back to top] Moskeeto Haos Moskeeto [Clear Grey] [back to top] Thunder Wilda Ventus Thunder Wilda [BakuNeon] [back to top] Verias Ventus Verias [BakuCore] [back to top] Wilda Haos Wilda [BakuSteel] Ventus Wilda [BakuFlip] [back to top] Post navigation Previous: 00510MPGNext: 91204APA7