G_150 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 150 Bakugan in Attribute: Mechtanium Surge [Mercury Dragonoid] [Mutant Krowll] [Mutant Taylean] Mercury Dragonoid Aquos Mercury Dragonoid [Clear Blue] [Diecast] Darkus Mercury Dragonoid Darkus Mercury Dragonoid [Clear Black] [Diecast] Ventus Mercury Dragonoid [Clear Green] [Diecast] Ventus Mercury Dragonoid [Diecast] [back to top] Mutant Krowll Subterra Mutant Krowll [BakuGold] [back to top] Mutant Taylean Ventus Mutant Taylean [Diecast] [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_940Next: G_210