G_250 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 250 Bakugan in Attribute: Battle Brawlers [Cycloid (B1)] [Falconeer (B1)] [Griffon (B1)] [Manion (B1)] [Preyas (B1)] [Sirenoid] [Terrorclaw (B1)] Cycloid (B1) Haos Cycloid (B1) [back to top] Falconeer (B1) Aquos Falconeer (B1) [Clear Blue] Pyrus Falconeer (B1) [back to top] Griffon (B1) Subterra Griffon (B1) [back to top] Manion (B1) Ventus Manion (B1) [back to top] Preyas (B1) Darkus Preyas (B1) [Attribute Wheel] Haos Preyas (B1) [Attribute Wheel] [back to top] Sirenoid Aquos Sirenoid [MG] [back to top] Terrorclaw (B1) Aquos Terrorclaw (B1) [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_530Next: G_300