G_380 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 380 Bakugan in Attribute: Battle Brawlers [Dragonoid (B1)] [Dual Hydranoid] [Dual Hydranoid (B1)] [Preyas (B1)] [Serpenoid (B1)] New Vestroia [Mega Brontes] [Percival] [Premo Vulcan] Mechtanium Surge [Razenoid] BakuTECH [Saint Aquas] Dragonoid (B1) Darkus Dragonoid (B1) [Grey "Prototype"] [back to top] Dual Hydranoid Pyrus Dual Hydranoid [back to top] Dual Hydranoid (B1) Aquos Dual Hydranoid (B1) [back to top] Mega Brontes Haos Mega Brontes [MG] [back to top] Percival Darkus Percival [MG] [back to top] Premo Vulcan Subterra Premo Vulcan [MG] [back to top] Preyas (B1) Pyrus Preyas (B1) [Gacha] [Attribute Wheel] [OM] [back to top] Razenoid Darkus Razenoid [V2] [back to top] Saint Aquas Aquos Saint Aquas [Clear] [MG] [back to top] Serpenoid (B1) Pyrus Serpenoid (B1) [BakuPearl] Ventus Serpenoid (B1) [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_330Next: G_550