G_530 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 530 Bakugan in Attribute: Battle Brawlers [Delta Dragonoid (B1)] [Dragonoid] [Dual Hydranoid] [Exedra] [Hynoid (B1)] [Mantris (B1)] [Preyas] [Rattleoid] [Sirenoid] [Skyress] [Tuskor] New Vestroia [Abis Omega] [Fencer] [Hyper Dragonoid] [Nemus] [Pyro Dragonoid] [Spindle] [Wired] Abis Omega (No Attribute) Abis Omega [Clear] [Green Eyes] Pyrus Abis Omega [BakuFlip] [Black Symbol] Pyrus Abis Omega [BakuFlip] [White Symbol] Subterra Abis Omega [BakuSolar] [back to top] Delta Dragonoid (B1) Haos Delta Dragonoid (B1) [BakuFlip] [back to top] Dragonoid (No Attribute) Dragonoid [Clear] [back to top] Dual Hydranoid Ventus Dual Hydranoid [back to top] Exedra Ventus Exedra [back to top] Fencer (No Attribute) Fencer [Clear] Aquos Fencer [Clear Blue] [back to top] Hynoid (B1) Ventus Hynoid (B1) [back to top] Hyper Dragonoid (No Attribute) Hyper Dragonoid [Clear] [Brown Horns] (No Attribute) Hyper Dragonoid [Clear] [Silver Horns] Aquos Hyper Dragonoid [BakuMutation] [Clear Parts] Darkus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuFlip] [Purple Horns] Darkus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuSteel] [V1] Darkus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuSteel] [V2] [back to top] Mantris (B1) Aquos Mantris (B1) [back to top] Nemus Subterra Nemus [BakuBronze] [back to top] Preyas Haos Preyas [Clear Grey] [Attribute Wheel] [back to top] Pyro Dragonoid Darkus Pyro Dragonoid Subterra Pyro Dragonoid [back to top] Rattleoid (No Attribute) Rattleoid [Clear] [back to top] Sirenoid Subterra Sirenoid [back to top] Skyress Aquos Skyress [Clear Blue] [back to top] Spindle Ventus Spindle [BakuSteel] [back to top] Tuskor Aquos Tuskor [back to top] Wired Pyrus Wired [BakuCore] Pyrus Wired [BakuSolar] [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_350Next: G_250