G_560 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 560 Bakugan in Attribute: Battle Brawlers [Blade Tigrerra] [Delta Dragonoid (B1)] [Gargonoid] [Limulus] [Nemus] [Preyas] New Vestroia [Abis Omega] [Cyborg Helios] [Dual Elfin] [Fencer] [Foxbat] [Hyper Dragonoid] [Ingram] [Shadow Vulcan] [Wilda] Gundalian Invaders [Aksela] [Fangoid] [Linehalt] [Plitheon] Mechtanium Surge [Boulderon] [Mutant Taylean] [Razenoid] BakuTECH [Blan Shoult] [Gran Panzer] [Kilan Leoness] [Van Falco] Abis Omega (No Attribute) Abis Omega [Clear] [Blue Eyes] [back to top] Aksela Aquos Aksela [back to top] Blade Tigrerra Aquos Blade Tigrerra [Black Eyes] [back to top] Blan Shoult Haos Blan Shoult [Gold] [MG] [back to top] Boulderon Subterra Boulderon [MG] [back to top] Cyborg Helios Pyrus Cyborg Helios [BakuMutation] [Clear Parts] [back to top] Delta Dragonoid (B1) Pyrus Delta Dragonoid (B1) [BakuFlip] Pyrus Delta Dragonoid (B1) [BakuPearl] [back to top] Dual Elfin Pyrus Dual Elfin [BakuCore] [back to top] Fangoid Darkus Fangoid [MG] [back to top] Fencer Aquos Fencer [BakuNeon] [back to top] Foxbat (No Attribute) Foxbat [Clear] [back to top] Gargonoid Ventus Gargonoid [back to top] Gran Panzer Subterra Gran Panzer G [MG] [back to top] Hyper Dragonoid (No Attribute) Hyper Dragonoid [Clear] [Brown Horns] (No Attribute) Hyper Dragonoid [Clear] [Silver Horns] Haos Hyper Dragonoid Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuNeon] [V2] Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuSteel] [V1] Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuSteel] [V2] [back to top] Ingram Darkus Ingram [BakuSolar] [back to top] Kilan Leoness Haos Kilan Leoness [Clear] [MG] Haos Kilan Leoness G [MG] [back to top] Limulus Aquos Limulus [back to top] Linehalt Darkus Linehalt [back to top] Mutant Taylean Subterra Mutant Taylean [Clear Orange] [Diecast] [back to top] Nemus (No Attribute) Nemus [Clear] [back to top] Plitheon Ventus Plitheon [Chrome] [back to top] Preyas Subterra Preyas [Attribute Wheel] [back to top] Razenoid Darkus Razenoid [V2] [back to top] Shadow Vulcan Darkus Shadow Vulcan [Clear Black] [back to top] Van Falco Ventus Van Falco [Clear] [MG] Ventus Van Falco [MG] Ventus Van Falco [Silver] [MG] [back to top] Wilda Haos Wilda [BakuCore] Haos Wilda [BakuSteel] [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_510Next: G_590