G_690 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 690 Bakugan in Attribute: New Vestroia [Cosmic Ingram] [Dual Elfin] [Elico] [Freezer] [Hyper Dragonoid] [Nemus] [Orbit Helios] [Scraper] [Turbine Dragonoid] [Wired] Gundalian Invaders [Dharak] BakuTECH [Butta Gill] Butta Gill Aquos Butta Gill [Black] [MG] [back to top] Cosmic Ingram Ventus Cosmic Ingram [BakuFlip] [back to top] Dharak Haos Dharak [EvilTwin] [back to top] Dual Elfin Aquos Dual Elfin [back to top] Elico Pyrus Elico [Attribute Wheel] [back to top] Freezer Darkus Freezer [BakuFlip] [back to top] Hyper Dragonoid Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid [BakuSolar] [back to top] Nemus Pyrus Nemus [BakuFlip] [back to top] Orbit Helios Subterra Orbit Helios [back to top] Scraper Ventus Scraper [BakuMutation] [Clear Parts] [back to top] Turbine Dragonoid Aquos Turbine Dragonoid [back to top] Wired Aquos Wired [BakuCore] [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_780Next: G_TRAP