G_860 Power Type: G Power Power Value: 860 Bakugan in Attribute: Gundalian Invaders [Contestir] [Dartaak] [Gyrazor] [Venoclaw] Mechtanium Surge [Krowll] [Roxtor] [Strikor] [Triggerdon] Contestir Subterra Contestir [Clear Brown] [back to top] Dartaak Darkus Dartaak [back to top] Gyrazor Subterra Gyrazor [back to top] Krowll Aquos Krowll [Half] [back to top] Roxtor Aquos Roxtor Darkus Roxtor [BakuGold] [back to top] Strikor Pyrus Strikor [back to top] Triggerdon Subterra Triggerdon [back to top] Venoclaw Aquos Venoclaw [back to top] Post navigation Previous: G_1120Next: G_1300